Digital Marketing Jobs: What are the Most Common Types?

marketing jobs
Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

If you’ve ever wondered about the kinds of careers the marketing industry has to offer, there are numerous positions in this field that are worth pursuing. Marketing is a niche that’s suited well for anyone creative and interested in advertising, brand awareness, media relations, sales strategies, or even web design. 

However, there are so many marketing job options. If you’re going to enter this field, you’re better off knowing the various roles ahead of time and working towards a particular position.

Let’s break down the common types of marketing jobs to see which one might be the best career choice for you.  

What is Considered a Marketing Job?

It can be difficult to pinpoint what a marketing job truly is since the industry is so broad. With digital marketing, the field has grown and spawned new positions, so the definition of a “marketing job” has also changed. 

However, there are a few general roles that professionals in marketing play. Not every person will perform all of these tasks, but these are the most common duties:

  • Designing web content
  • Creating a social media presence for a company or brand
  • Following and predicting sales
  • Creating ads and campaigns for products and services
  • Conducting research
  • Communicating with clients

The duties listed are not all-inclusive, but these are popular areas of expertise for marketing professionals. With these roles comes a wide door of opportunity, so whether you are more interested in advertising behind the scenes or managing the scene upfront, there’s a job for the advertiser, the delegator, and everyone in between.  

Let’s take a look at the most popular types of marketing careers in demand.

Search Engine Optimization Specialist  

With so many online businesses and services available, it’s difficult for startups and small companies to compete for attention. This is where an SEO specialist steps in. 

These specialists improve online foot-traffic for businesses by increasing their rankings on search engine results. This entices the consumer to click on these top-ranking websites for their shopping needs.

This position is great for someone interested in using effective optimization tactics to bring businesses success on search engines. You have to love strategizing and researching new ways to increase a web page’s activity. 

Marketing Specialist/Coordinator 

In this industry, it is vital that a company stays up-to-date with modern marketing trends and understands what will capture the public’s attention. One thing about advertising and sales is that they never stay the same — the public is always changing and searching for something new. 

A marketing specialist either forges a new trend to see if the public will be persuaded by it or creates what the public is interested in at the time. They look for current trends, research what products and services are selling the best, and develop a campaign that will appeal to an audience. This person will be responsible for overseeing a marketing plan and consult with an advertising agency when a campaign is ready to be pitched. 

Some duties a marketing specialist will perform might include:

  • Reporting sales results
  • Researching and reporting on competitive companies and their sales, prices, and market strategies
  • Creating new product ideas and marketing trends
  • Pricing a company’s products or services

Website Producer or Web Content Writer

If you want to create website content and monitor the user’s experience on a web page, these jobs are ideal. A website producer’s main role is to produce web content, but they are not the sole person who writes what will appear on a web page. Most of the time, a web content team will do this, but the producer decides what goes on the page. 

They may also be responsible for:

  • Creating visuals such as video, audio, or graphics to enhance a customer’s experience
  • Consulting with the rest of the team about exciting trends, sales tactics, and visual strategies for bringing in more customers
  • Forming new visual marketing ideas — especially before another company does!

A web content writer is a little different. The writer is solely responsible for creating web content such as blog posts, updating new website information, and writing any content that the company may need for advertising or informational purposes, like social media captions or slogans. 

The content writer thinks almost like an SEO Specialist and uses target keywords when writing so that the customer’s search brings them to the client.

Advertising Specialist/Coordinator

Much like a marketing specialist, the advertising specialist is responsible for creating campaigns that will appear in print and online media forms. They, too, will formulate ideas to help improve the sales of their client’s brand. 

Their goal is to capture the public eye, but the person must also consider how the campaign will cross media boundaries. The best campaigns work for print, billboards, social media, etc. It’s the advertising specialist’s job to create a campaign that defines the brand across all platforms. 

In some companies, the marketing specialist might be considered the same as the advertising specialist. However, there are several differences between these two positions. The main difference is that the marketing specialist typically focuses on researching and planning a campaign, whereas the advertising specialist works with a team to bring the campaign to life through media design. 

The advertising specialist takes what the marketing team comes up with and monitors how successful it is when advertised. The marketing specialist focuses more on forming the marketing plan before it is handed over to an advertising agency.   

An advertising specialist might:

  • Create ads for websites or in print
  • Conduct public promotions for a company or business
  • Consult with the marketing team about the campaigns, sales, prices, and new strategies
  • Review the consumer database
  • Manage an in-house creative staff


Digital Marketing is a diverse industry full of possible career opportunities. The marketing jobs we’ve listed are general positions that are likely to be in demand, but more jobs are being created every day in this business. 

Once you are invested in this industry, you have an invitation to work in any area of marketing you desire. You could find digital marketing jobs in fashion, music, sports, or virtually any brand that interests you. 

No matter what type of marketing appeals to you, pursuing a career in this field could land you a job ideally suited for your talents and skills.        

If you are considering entering the marketing field, it is important to be aware of what types of positions exist. It can be difficult for someone who doesn’t know about digital marketing to find a job in this area and they might end up wasting their time applying for jobs that don’t suit them or aren’t available at all. The common roles are Social Media Manager, Content Marketing Specialist, SEO Expert, PPC Advertiser/Marketer and more! Be sure to choose wisely so you can have a successful career in your chosen profession. What do you think? Which type of position would best fit your skillset?

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